Monday, August 22, 2011

Solutions, NOT BLAME


The Republicans and Democrats were quick to jump on each other after the downgrade by the S & P 500.  The Democrats quickly called this the “Tea Party Downgrade,”  meanwhile every Republican from Senator John McCain to Sarah Palin (ironic) have been calling this the “Obama Downgrade.”

What's missing though?  Having politicians shout across the aisle at each other is hardly new, in fact, if it didn’t happen people would be concerned.  What is missing is simple, where are the solutions?  Neither party has moved from their previous positions, no one has called for balanced solutions, they just claim the other side is standing in the way. 

Specifically the S&P 500 spoke of the inability of politicians to come to any REASONABLE long term debt solution, and recognized that the political climate does not bode well for any type of solution.  This was highlighted by their statement that the Republicans seem to be unable to raise taxes, which Eric Cantor (R-Va) responded too by saying: so what?  This includes closing tax loopholes which have been criticized for sending jobs oversees and overcomplicating a massive tax code, as well as the Bush tax cuts.

The Republicans are continually calling for the American Government to “tighten their belts” and make cuts like American Families are having to do.  However, the Republicans are clear that the only people who cannot tighten their belts are the “job creators” or the rich.  In fact, they mock the $700 billion that could be brought in with Bush Tax Cuts, while proposing cuts of mere millions on the other side.  The Republicans solution it seems is to let the unemployed starve and suffer while companies make record profits, without paying anything.

This is not to say that the Democrats are any better off.  They have neglected to offer any real solutions on entitlement, rather than hands off.  While I fully understand the "third rail of politics” and the dangers of messing with entitlements, the democrats could propose strengthening measures.  This could include raising the ceiling on social security, increasing the monitoring of Medicare to reduce fraud, and PAYING FOR MEDICARE D!

Both Republicans and Democrats have been slammed in the polls recently, with congress, the president, Governors, and even individual congressmen at all time lows.  There response has again been to blame each other, but still no solutions.  Ultimately the person who walks across the aisle and shakes the hand on a deal can gain huge benefits.  It is time for a leader to emerge and take a stand.  The reality is that no one is winning right now, and as it stands the only people losing are the American Public.  If both parties want a better future they need to stand down the guns and meet in the middle for a frank discussion.

Our system of Government is operated under the belief that there MUST BE COMPROISE.  Regardless of which party believes that the founders support them, they can both recognize that the founders would be embarrassed by a system where the parties cannot agree after 4 months of negotiation.  Both sides are going to lose something, however, if they come to an agreement the Public will support it, they want to see a handshake, not a smack.

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