Sunday, July 24, 2011

Worst Response Ever

So... Two days ago John Beohner walked away from negotiations with the President over the debt ceiling.  Namely because he has no control over his caucus.  If Beohner were actually in control of his caucus he would have taken the 3 trillion in cuts for only 300 million in revenue, but it is clear he has no control.

President Obama really gave it to the Speaker in a speech the other day where he clearly laid out the fact that the Republicans refuse to give up anything in the debate of the debt ceiling.

SO John Beohner put those of us who care, probably just me, in bated breath when he said last night that he would have a response by tomorrow.  This was quite the surprise, because it shows that he did not have a plan, and had to work on the best response to gain the most in the upcoming election.

And what was Beohner's response, what glorious solution did he offer the President.  He offered him the only thing the President said was not on the table, a two part plan.

Beohner clearly was so upset by the President calling him out for playing politics with the country that he decided to use his power and authority to create a non-deal and try to force the President to back down.  This brinkmanship politics is absolute bull.  I cannot express how angry I am right now at the Speaker.  I understand that he wants to do what is best for his party and not for the country, I understand that his base is strewn about the spectrum on their response for this, but rather than accepting the fact that there is 1 week left until economic apocalypse he decides to start a fight with the president on national television.

Not only is the Speaker displaying his inability to work with the President or the Senate on a plan, but he is showing that the crazy side of his caucus has more control over him than any interest in preserving the country.  Statistically it is clear that their "no tax" stance is well outside of the mainstream as well as fiscally irresponsible.  Furthermore it is clear that the Republican party is currently swinging far to the right in both Congress and in the States.  However, the American public has not shifted in their views, so ultimately this plan of brinkmanship will blow up in the Republicans face, this plan is actually likely to ruin everyone's political careers and the US economy.

In reality what this looks like is a kid who got yelled at and took his toys away.  If the Speaker continues to act like a child then our country is doomed.  We dont have time anymore to play games.  The Democrats have gone out of their way to give the Republicans everything they have asked for, what the Speaker fails to realize is that he needs the Democrats just as much as they need him to pass a bill.  If they dont pass it then the President will probably just continue to spend money beyond the debt limit until the courts figure it out.  This will allow the President to look like the savior and the Republicans to appear to holding things up.

Beohner better get control of his caucus and fast the next week will be the most important of his carreer,  what happens will likely decide the 2012 election along with the future of the US economy for 10-20 years.  Think carefully Mr. Speaker before acting like a child.

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