Monday, August 22, 2011

Solutions, NOT BLAME


The Republicans and Democrats were quick to jump on each other after the downgrade by the S & P 500.  The Democrats quickly called this the “Tea Party Downgrade,”  meanwhile every Republican from Senator John McCain to Sarah Palin (ironic) have been calling this the “Obama Downgrade.”

What's missing though?  Having politicians shout across the aisle at each other is hardly new, in fact, if it didn’t happen people would be concerned.  What is missing is simple, where are the solutions?  Neither party has moved from their previous positions, no one has called for balanced solutions, they just claim the other side is standing in the way. 

Specifically the S&P 500 spoke of the inability of politicians to come to any REASONABLE long term debt solution, and recognized that the political climate does not bode well for any type of solution.  This was highlighted by their statement that the Republicans seem to be unable to raise taxes, which Eric Cantor (R-Va) responded too by saying: so what?  This includes closing tax loopholes which have been criticized for sending jobs oversees and overcomplicating a massive tax code, as well as the Bush tax cuts.

The Republicans are continually calling for the American Government to “tighten their belts” and make cuts like American Families are having to do.  However, the Republicans are clear that the only people who cannot tighten their belts are the “job creators” or the rich.  In fact, they mock the $700 billion that could be brought in with Bush Tax Cuts, while proposing cuts of mere millions on the other side.  The Republicans solution it seems is to let the unemployed starve and suffer while companies make record profits, without paying anything.

This is not to say that the Democrats are any better off.  They have neglected to offer any real solutions on entitlement, rather than hands off.  While I fully understand the "third rail of politics” and the dangers of messing with entitlements, the democrats could propose strengthening measures.  This could include raising the ceiling on social security, increasing the monitoring of Medicare to reduce fraud, and PAYING FOR MEDICARE D!

Both Republicans and Democrats have been slammed in the polls recently, with congress, the president, Governors, and even individual congressmen at all time lows.  There response has again been to blame each other, but still no solutions.  Ultimately the person who walks across the aisle and shakes the hand on a deal can gain huge benefits.  It is time for a leader to emerge and take a stand.  The reality is that no one is winning right now, and as it stands the only people losing are the American Public.  If both parties want a better future they need to stand down the guns and meet in the middle for a frank discussion.

Our system of Government is operated under the belief that there MUST BE COMPROISE.  Regardless of which party believes that the founders support them, they can both recognize that the founders would be embarrassed by a system where the parties cannot agree after 4 months of negotiation.  Both sides are going to lose something, however, if they come to an agreement the Public will support it, they want to see a handshake, not a smack.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Worst Response Ever

So... Two days ago John Beohner walked away from negotiations with the President over the debt ceiling.  Namely because he has no control over his caucus.  If Beohner were actually in control of his caucus he would have taken the 3 trillion in cuts for only 300 million in revenue, but it is clear he has no control.

President Obama really gave it to the Speaker in a speech the other day where he clearly laid out the fact that the Republicans refuse to give up anything in the debate of the debt ceiling.

SO John Beohner put those of us who care, probably just me, in bated breath when he said last night that he would have a response by tomorrow.  This was quite the surprise, because it shows that he did not have a plan, and had to work on the best response to gain the most in the upcoming election.

And what was Beohner's response, what glorious solution did he offer the President.  He offered him the only thing the President said was not on the table, a two part plan.

Beohner clearly was so upset by the President calling him out for playing politics with the country that he decided to use his power and authority to create a non-deal and try to force the President to back down.  This brinkmanship politics is absolute bull.  I cannot express how angry I am right now at the Speaker.  I understand that he wants to do what is best for his party and not for the country, I understand that his base is strewn about the spectrum on their response for this, but rather than accepting the fact that there is 1 week left until economic apocalypse he decides to start a fight with the president on national television.

Not only is the Speaker displaying his inability to work with the President or the Senate on a plan, but he is showing that the crazy side of his caucus has more control over him than any interest in preserving the country.  Statistically it is clear that their "no tax" stance is well outside of the mainstream as well as fiscally irresponsible.  Furthermore it is clear that the Republican party is currently swinging far to the right in both Congress and in the States.  However, the American public has not shifted in their views, so ultimately this plan of brinkmanship will blow up in the Republicans face, this plan is actually likely to ruin everyone's political careers and the US economy.

In reality what this looks like is a kid who got yelled at and took his toys away.  If the Speaker continues to act like a child then our country is doomed.  We dont have time anymore to play games.  The Democrats have gone out of their way to give the Republicans everything they have asked for, what the Speaker fails to realize is that he needs the Democrats just as much as they need him to pass a bill.  If they dont pass it then the President will probably just continue to spend money beyond the debt limit until the courts figure it out.  This will allow the President to look like the savior and the Republicans to appear to holding things up.

Beohner better get control of his caucus and fast the next week will be the most important of his carreer,  what happens will likely decide the 2012 election along with the future of the US economy for 10-20 years.  Think carefully Mr. Speaker before acting like a child.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Paying for elections with Americans



The Los Angeles Times  has looked to the accomplishments of the 112th congress, and it is not a long list—in fact, its hardly a list at all.  From January until then end of may only 16 bills have become laws.  For comparison the previous congress had passed 50 during that time, and 28 in 2007.  The majority of the bills passed this year have been extensions of previous bills and unfinished business.

Of course, if you are a Democrat, this is the Republicans fault and if you are a Republican, the Democrats.  Its perfect!  Both sides do not have to deal with any of the contentious issues or try to find common ground they can just blame the other side.  It’s the ultimate in political campaigning, you can say you struggled to pass a “fair and balanced” “common sense” solution, but “partisanship” and “politics” got in the way.  Both sides claim that they are “reaching across the aisle” but that the other side is ignoring them.

It is brilliant because both sides are looking to 2012 to pass the bills they want.  Why try and make compromise, when they can score political points and WIN BIG in November.  If the Democrats get back the House, they can pass the budgets they want, reinstate the tax cuts, and forever solidify Social Security, Medicare and Medicade.  IF however, the Republicans win in the Senate, then we can see further cuts, a Ryan Medicare/Medicade(or rather nothing at all), more tax breaks.  Both sides are not proposing anything new nothing has really changed, and because of that nothing is getting fixed.

Either way, we have 1.5 years until We The People will get anything from congress.  In the meantime, to accomplish what they want, both sides will drive us in the ocean.  While the GOP is given everything they have ever wanted to raise the debt ceiling, they back away and hold out for more for fear of looking like they are working with the Democrats.  While the Democrats scream blue murder over anymore cuts without, specifically ANY change to entitlements.

So, while the unemployment still sticks near 10% We The People must look for our own help.  While many states struggle to pay their unemployed, their medicare/medicade, and their education funds the only thing we can expect from Congress is abortion bills.

Now, up until this point I have struggled to be completely neutral as to who is responsible.  But I think it is pretty clear who is being ridiculous here.  The Republicans are refusing to pass a bill raising the debt ceiling to pay for programs that THEY HAVE CREATED.  They are refusing not because it would cause any problems or in any way hurt someone, but because they want to score political points and force Democrats to agree to things that they would never get otherwise.  They are willing to ignore evidence and dangers of passing legislation defunding planned parenthood or abortion, just to score points with their base. 

Meanwhile, the Senate has hardly moved on any legislation, this is likely due to the seeming impossibility of passing anything through the senate, which Republicans are now complaining about.  Furthermore, Obama seems paralyzed to act on issues for fear of taking anything off of the table.  Actually the actions of the President have been fairly mild in comparison to the horrible socialist, gunless, tyranny we were promised by many a Conservative.  Obama has stood away making only slight comments that hardly come near the attacks of the opposing side and standing firm on some issues.  In fact the president has recently put cuts to Medicare on the table.  Yet he is being accused of being partisan and unreasonable.

Ultimately it is clear who is being unreasonable, and it is clear who will lose.  Suffering Americans across the country will have to recognize that their government cares less about them and more about their votes.  So if you are a teacher who is being fired because your state cant afford its education, if you’re an AIDS patient who relies on ADAP and it has run out, a citizen who relies on public assistance, or a company looking for a grant, your out of luck.  Its okay, you may suffer, starve, you might even die…but at least the Republicans might gain some members in the Senate come 2012, so hopefully that gives you some comfort.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Separation of Church and State


People are saying there is trouble for Mitt Romney, which is surprising because he is leading in the polls.  However, the same problem that plagued his campaign in 2008—religion—strikes again.

A new poll finds that 22% of Americans will not vote for a Mormon.  Now, Mormons have struggled for years in the United States, fighting against discrimination and general mistrust.  This is of course slightly ironic due to the church’s very strong discrimination policies against certain groups, particularly homosexuals.  (And their attempts to impose their moral agenda on others, outside of their church, including funding California’s proposition 8.)However, my bigger interest, is in a party that has corted religious xenophobic ideas for years, and this is the first time it is really hurting them. 

Recently Congressman Peter King held hearings about American Muslim Extremists.   Throughout his hearings he was unable to show that his statements “I talk to cops and counterterrorism people on the ground all the time, and they get virtually no cooperation [from Muslims].”  It seemed instead King was targeting a community, which is as connected to the 9/11 attacks as a Christian is connected to Scott Roeder who killed Dr. George Tiller, simply because they are different.

This is common, it has been done throughout our history and is not something that we should be proud of.  From African Americans, to the Irish, to the Chinese, to the Italians, to the Germans in WWI and WWII, Japanese, communists, Africans, Eastern Europeans, and now Muslims.

A better example however, is too look at our nations long history of religious bigotry.  From the early days of converting the Native Americans and Africans, the the Riots in Boston (Irish Catholics), the strong discrimination against Jews, to president Kennedy’s struggle as a catholic. (See more here.) 

Ultimately Conservatives, specifically religious conservatives have gained a strong presence in the GOP.  They have pushed their moral agenda into policies as far reaching as school education, to foreign aid, and our currency (“In God We Trust” did not appear on paper currency until 1957, when it became the official motto of the United States.  It was clear than and it is clear now, which God the conservatives support, and clearly not supporting those who do not believe in God at all.

Conservative have recently been relying on the Religious Right to carry them through elections.  However, now they have a problem.  Their front runner’s religion is distrusted and disliked by a large portion of the population, including their own voting block.  This shows that the party is going to struggle, and have to try to convince their voters that Romney has the same values as they do, that he is one of them (similar to the democrats struggle to convince Union members who were racist, to vote for Obama).  This is Ironic, because the conservatives have spent so much money isolating themselves from others and reinforcing their hatred for different religions and different beliefs that they suddenly have to try to become inclusive of MORMONS!  It isnt really the beliefs though that is the problem, it is the Church Structure (much like peoples mistrust of the Catholic candidates, because they believed they would be directed by the church).  This organization scares many Americans, because many Americans are highly distrustful of religious structures.

Too be honest with you—I don’t care about Romney’s religion.  I don’t think we should care.  I think we should recognize how ridiculous it was when we did it in the past, and how ridiculous it is now.  I think it is time for America to speak to the dream that we have said we represent, inclusive of all religions, faiths and creeds.  Rather, we should look to his homophobic, under inclusive, and mistaken policies and make our decisions based on that.

Also, just so you know, Atheists are more mistrusted than Muslims and Homosexuals.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Hole in One


(Getty Images)

As much as I love a good outing, and bi-partisanship, I find this whole situation ridiculous.

Raising the debt ceiling is not a question, it shouldn’t be a political issue at all.  Yet here we are.  It is congress’ job to decide how much money we spend, and then when they spend too much, they get to decide if they can spend more…so they have to pass two bills to accomplish the same thing.  The concept of removing the debt ceiling has already been thoroughly discussed.  However, it still should be mentioned again: IT IS REDUNDANT, GET RID OF IT!

Second, as has already been pointed out by our secretary of the treasury, the consequences of not raising the debt ceiling would be catastrophic to our country and to our stalled recovery. (See here).  IMMEDIATELY the government would not be able to pay its bills, business that rely on government dollars to function (GE, Banks, ect. ect), would suddenly be facing a series of IOU’s and some serious questions of what their profits can be.  Business’ hate to have uncertainty, they cant make decisions if they don’t know what to expect, which means they cant hire, and usually have to fire people.

I don’t mean to be alarmist, but this is HORRIBLE.  The republicans have decided to gamble the lives and jobs of many Americans just to push for their political ideology.  This of course is not new. (e.g. Eric Cantor refusing to increase disaster relief funds unless they could find more cuts).  However, this is particularly stupid.  SO lets figure out WHY!

ON May 31, 2011, the Republicans told us why, for politics.  At 7 PM, the republicans held a vote on the debt ceiling.  This vote was completely symbolic, and held only so that they could get the Democrats on record as have voting for a clean debt ceiling bill, which is ironic, because that is what makes sense.  IT MAKES SENSE for our country to vote for bills that will keep our government functioning, keep jobs, and maintain the stability of US currency, that sounds to me like what our Government should be doing.  However, Eric Cantor and Jon Beohner disagree, they believe that this is about politics, about scoring big in the next election regardless of the cost to America.

Which is why, on a Saturday afternoon in Ohio, they meet in the luxury of a private golf course to play some rounds, wearing expensive clothing, while millions are struggling to get jobs.  I am not criticizing them for doing these things, or for even doing them while people are out of work.  What I am saying is that the President has to put on this charade about a non-issue, something that should have already been voted on and done with, while many Americans are STILL WAITING FOR A JOB BILL FROM THE GOP! (Yes I know about the “JOBS” bill and their 10 page picture book, but I don’t consider those, that’s just silly).

So if Beohner and would spend his time legislating the important bills then I would say feel free to take a break and call the President to talk about non-economic threating issues like abortion or gay marriage or all the other tiny issues that have dominated your 6 months in office, but until then, stay in DC, and RAISE THE DEBT CEILING!

Just so you know Obama and Beohner won!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Redistricting Mess


As the Redistricting season begins it is amazing how blatantly partisan politicians are about it.  Speaker Batchelder stated specifically: “My sense is we will try to retain as many Republican congressman as we can.”  He further said “It’s a question of protecting our own. 

How is this reasonable.  We have politicians blatantly discussing gerrymandering districts to ensure they stay in power.  How is that democratic or remotely sensible?

It does not take a genius to realize that our districts are drawn specifically for the purpose of enshrining power in one party in a district.  The giant districts that stretch across Ohio dancing around metro areas always go red, and the little tiny city districts, and the long lake bound districts make make up the only blue districts.  I understand the desire to protect our parties, but this outrageous, how can politicians blatantly talk about disenfranchising voters without any backlash.

Anthony Weiner sent a picture of himself, that got more news coverage than any of this ever will.  Yet we have politicians specifically stating that they will be punishing liberals in this state, by attempting to “crack” their strongholds or “pack” them together so they only get one house member and not two.

Luckily organizations are trying to stop this. Draw the Line Ohio is attempting to call on Ohio citizens to draw their own maps.  If Ohioans draw their own maps we can possibly force the Republicans to take a more sensible approach.  However, ultimately the best option would be if Ohio took the bold step of California and created an independent committee and takes it out of politics.

In the meantime I suppose we just have to wait and pretend that this is democratic.  IN the meantime if you would like to learn more and draw your own maps, play this game.  It is hilarious, and educates you about the ease of gerrymandering in our current government.